Baltazar Brooks | Author
Baltazar Brooks | Author
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Species/breed: Belgian Malinois police dog (detective)
Age: retirement age (classified)
Disposition: very professional
Dedicated to his profession and family
Quirks: unprofessional K9s like Benny B
Not-so-secret crush: Kira (Officer Smith’s K9)
Possibly the best police dog in the whole entire world
Loves to solve crimes
Favorite saying: "I can smell Benny B a mile away, and it’s not flattering!"
Member of the Alexandra Bay Trailblazers Police Program for students
Age: 12
Disposition: honest and caring
Loves animals
Quirks: none
Very respectful
Loves watching Most Wanted Fugitives in America on TV
Our Crew
Mr. Beasley
Species/breed: Tom cat
Age: 15 years old
Disposition: mean and somewhat sarcastic
Despises dogs and humans
Quirks: use of his litter box by Benny B or anyone else
Rarely impressed by anything
Favorite place to sit: the window sill
MMA fighter – rumored
Favorite saying: "This proves that cats have a far superior intellect to dogs."
Benny B
Species/breed: black German Shepherd puppy
Age: six months or so
Disposition: playful and mischievous
Likes to tell tall tales and exaggerates the truth
Quirks: Ringo
Impressed by everything, especially lights and sirens
Loves to take naps under a shady tree
Skateboarder - not verified
Favorite saying: "There’s no use crying over spilt milk when you can just lap it up off the floor."